NNOA Mission


“Strengthening of a diverse senior officer corps to enhance operational readiness in the Sea Services”

The National Naval Officers Association (NNOA) Strategic Plan offers a bold and visionary roadmap for the future. By achieving the following goals, the NNOA will:
- Foster an innovative, professional and collaborative environment that supports the Sea Services’ ability to attract and retain a diverse officer corps;
- Remain the benchmark for supporting and influencing diversity and inclusion efforts in the Sea Services;
- Provide professional development and mentorship opportunities to optimize potential and individual performance; and
- Partner with professional organizations and community influencers to attract diverse talent in support of our Sea Services recruiting efforts.


Strengthening of a diverse senior officer corps to enhance operational readiness in the Sea Services.

To enhance Sea Service operational readiness by providing professional development, mentoring, and recruiting in an effort to achieve a diverse officer corps that reflects the demographics of the Nation.

Guiding Principles
We are:
- A professional association comprised of active duty, reserve, retired officers, and civilians that seek diversity and inclusive membership.
- Entrusted to treating everyone with dignity and respect.
- Committed to honest, effective, and open communication.
- The benchmark for supporting diversity in the Sea Services.
We will:
- Achieve our Mission and Vision through service and accountability.
- Support the Sea Services to achieve their recruitment, retention and readiness goals.
- Strive to leverage information technology and emerging resources.

GOAL 1: Communication
Execute a strategic communication plan to disseminate timely and accurate information.
- Revitalize the current strategic communication plan to meet the needs of the association.

GOAL 2: Membership
Attract individuals, partners and organizations in support of the mission.
- Reconcile, validate and modify current membership database.
- Increase membership by at least 50%.

GOAL 3: Organizational Efficiency
Continuously assess and evaluate structure, processes and effectiveness.
- Conduct an annual review of governing documents (Articles of Incorporation, by-laws, operations manual, BOD handbook, etc) and processes.
- Conduct an annual review of institutional documents and processes.

GOAL 4: Financial Stability
Sustain adequate funding to maintain organizational viability.
- Maintain a balanced budget.
- Maintain a minimum cash or cash equivalent of $150,000.
- Coordinate an annual external

For information on programs, sponsorships, advertising, partnerships and joint ventures contact:

National Naval Officers Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 10871
Alexandria, VA 22310-0871
Phone: 703-997-1068
E-mail: [email protected]